„For better, for worse .“ – Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam

Yes I do! Or do I? Marriage. The eternal bond. A commitment for life. Or with life? A sign of total devotion or fatal divorce? Heteronormative construct or perfect harmony? At the end of the performance night the audience turns into a wedding community and the theatre into a church. We witness a dreamlike white wedding fantasy. In the midst of a silken line of fabric, the pastor takes us into a sacred setting with her raised hand of faith. Players dressed in white wedding gowns slip out of the delicate soft shell into the harsh reality of the stage lights. They ask themselves and us the question: are you ready to say ‘yes’ to life? With everything that goes with it: fear, pain, lust and hopefully: love. To yourself in the best case. In essayistic considerations, the wedding couples present their worries about marriage with life. Existentialism meets the basic needs for having fun, drinking and finding romance. Between tulle and tears comes the great ‘nothingness’ without which ‘somethingness’ could not be: Death. Ironically praising life as a spouse despite all the adversities that such a bond entails. It is an ultimatum that we can either accept with optimism or reject gratefully. When Taylor Swift tells us to “Shake It Off” all we have left to do is give an ‘amen’ up in here and dance on the stage. After all, We are thereby solemnly declared to life. May you remain silent forever unless you have any objections?

text by emilie willner

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